Nuestro error moral consiste en ver a los animales (no humanos) como seres que carecen de valor intrínseco, como recursos para nuestro beneficio. Tom Regan

Lecturas sugeridas

Ahlhaus, S. y Niesen, P. (2015) What is animal politics ? Outline of a new research agenda. Historical Social Research, 40, 4, 7-31. 

Arias – Maldonado, M. (2015) Spelling the end of nature?. Making sense on the anthropocene. Telos 172, fall, 83 -102. 

Balcombe,J. (2009) Animal pleasure and its moral significance. Applied Animal Behaviuor Science 118, 208 – 216. 

Boyer, K. Et al. (2015) Politics and animals. Politics and Animals, fall, 1- 5. 

Bekoff, M. (2007) The emotional lives of animals. Novato, CA. New World Library 

Catlaw, T. y Holland, T. (2012) Regarding the animal. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 34 (1), 85 – 112. 

Cavalieri, P. (2001) The animal question. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 

Cochrane, A.  (2009) Do animals have interest in liberty ?. Political Studies, vol. 57, 660 – 679. 

Cochrane, A. (2013) Int’l animal protection. Global Policy. Doi : 10.1111/1758-5899.12082 

Cochrane, A. (2014) Born in chains. Gruen, L (ed) The ethics of captivity. Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press. 

Cochrane, A. et al. (2016) Animal ethics and the political. Critical Review of Int’l Social and Political Philosophy, vol 21, 261 – 277. 

De Waal, F. (2017) Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are ?. N.Y. W.W. Norton & Co. 

Dirzo, R. et al. (2014) Defaunation in the anthropocene. Science, vol 345, Issue 6195, July 25, 401 -406. 

Donaldson, S. y Kymlicka, W. (2017) Animals in Political Theory. Kalof, L (ed). Handbook of animal studies. Oxford University Press, 43 – 64. 

Donaldson, S. y Kymlicka, W. (2011) Zoopolis. Oxford / N.Y. Oxford university press. 

Donaldson, S. y Kymlicka, W. (2018) Rights. Gruen, L (de) Critical terms for animal studies. Chicago, Chicago University Press. 

Driscoll, C. et al (2009) From wild animals to domestic pets, an evolutionary view of domestication. PNAS, 16, vol, 106, suppl 1, 9971 – 9978. 

Eisen, J. (2017) Animals in the constitutional state. I. CON, vol 15, N.º 4, 909 – 954. 

Favre, D. (2021) The future of animal law. Cheltengan, UK; Northhsmpton, Ma. Edward Elgar Pub. 

Francione, G. (2008) Animals as persons ; essays on the abolition of animal exploitation. N.Y. Columbia University Press. 

Garner, R. (2010) Animals, ethics and public policy. The political quarterly, vol. 81, N°1, january – march, 123 – 130. 

Garner, R. (2013) A theory of justice for animals : animals rights in a non ideal world. N.Y. Oxford University Press. 

Garner, R. and O’Sullivan, S. (eds) (2016) The political turn in animal ethics. London, Rowan & Littlefield Int’l. 

Hare, B. y Tomasello, M. (2005) Human – like social skills in dogs?. Trends  in Cognitive Science, 9 (9), 439 – 44. 

Horta, O. (2009) What is speciesism ?. J. Agric Environment Ethics. DOI 10.1007/s 10806-009-9205-2. 1 -24. 

Khazaal, N. y Almirón, N. (2016) An angry cow is not a good eating experience. Journalism Studies, 17 (3), 374-391. 

Kymlicka, W. y Donaldson, S. (2016) Locating animals in political philosophy. Philosophy Compass, 11/ 11, 692 – 701. 

Kymlicka, W. y Donaldson, S. (2018) Rights. Critical terms for animal studies. Gruen, L (ed) University of Chicago Press. 

Kundera, M. (2002) La insoportable levedad del ser. Mexico, D.F. Tusquets Ed. 

Maturana, H. y Varela, F. (1994) El árbol del conocimiento. Santiago, Ed. Universitaria. 

Milburn, J. (2017) Animal rights and food : beyond Regan, beyond vegan. Rawlison, C. y Ward, C (eds). The Routledge Handbook of food ethics. London, N.Y.  Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 

Milligan, T. (2015) The political turn in animal rights. Politics and Animals, 1(1) fall, 6 -15. 

Palmer, C. (2011) The moral relevance on the distinction between domesticated and wild animals. Beauchamp, T. y Frey, R.G. (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Animal Ethics. 

Panksepp, J. (1998) Affective neuroscience : foundations of human and animal emotions. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 

Panksepp, J. (2005) Affective consciousness : core emotional feelings in animals and humans. Consciousness and Cognition 14, 30 – 80. 

Panksepp, J. (2011) The basic emotional  circuits of mammalian brains : do animals have affective lives?. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 35, 1791 – 1804. 

Regan, T. (2004) The case for animal rights. Berkeley y L.A. University of California Press. 

Russell, N. (2002) The wild side of animal domestication. Society of Animals 10:3, 285 – 302. 

Ryder, R. (2000) Animal revolution. Oxford, Berg Publishers, 2nd edition. 

Thurstone, L. (1934) The vector of mind.  Psychological Review 41,1, 1 -32. 

US Gov. (2019) Public law 116 -72. Preventing animal cruelty and torture 

USDA (2022) Animal welfare act. 

Weitzenfeld, A. y Joy, M. (2014) An overview of anthropocentrism, humanism and speciesism in critical animal theory. Nocella III, A.J. et al (eds) Defining critical animal studies : an intersectional social justice approach for liberation. N.Y. Peter Lang Publishing. 3-27. 

Wissenburg, M. y Schlosberg, D. (2014) Introducing animal politics and political animals. Wissenburg, M. y Schlosberg, D. (eds).  Political animals and animal politics. The Palgrave animal ethics series. London, Palgrave – McMillan, 1 -14. 

Wynne, C. (2007) What are animals ?. Comparative Cognition & Behavior, vol. 2, 125 – 135.


Los animales pagaron por su domesticación con su libertad evolutiva. Ellos perdieron su independencia genética



A diferencia de la ética clásica y de las apreciaciones teológicas, la ética del entorno



A diferencia del largo camino que ha recorrido la formulación de los derechos de la


Teoría política

Básicamente los ANH son víctimas de una sociedad antropocentrista, que implica que son propiedad de
